Выход демо версии фифа 18. Что нового и как графика

FIFA 18 - новая часть футбольного симулятора, разработанная студией EA Sports. Лицом FIFA 18 официально является игрок популярного испанского клуба "Реал Мадрид" Криштиану Роналду. Создатели заметно потрудились над графической составляющей и теперь все игроки на футбольном поле будут выглядеть еще более реалистично. Но эти улучшения коснутся не только тех, кто задействован в процессе игры, но и болельщиков на трибунах, и качество всех использованных текстур.

Одним из наиболее приятных нововведений, которые придутся по нраву как опытным геймерам, так и новичкам в этом жанре, станет возможность осуществлять быстрые замены. Если в предыдущих версиях FIFA для этого нужно было ставить паузу и заходить в меню, то в 18 части весь процесс заменит нажатие всего одной кнопки. Правда, придется заранее настроить параметры замены игроков.

FIFA 18 получила бесплатное обновление «Чемпионат Мира»

Приведи Россию к победе! Пожалуйста

Electronic Arts выпустила бесплатное обновление для в преддверии старта Чемпионата Мира, который начнется в России 14 июня. Разработчики популярного футбольного симулятора добавили в игру все стадионы, на которых пройдут матчи настоящего турнира, различные наборы и подрежимы для Ultimate Team, новую систему сыгранности для сборных и многое другое.

Обновление бесплатно и уже доступно владельцам FIFA 18 на PC, Xbox One, PS4 и Nintendo Switch.

В FIFA 18 World Cup вы сможете создать сборную своей мечты или принять участие в главном футбольном турнире планеты, играя за сборную любой страны.

  • FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 — Испытайте великолепие турнира, где все точно так же, как и в реальной жизни. Выбирайте одну из 32 прошедших квалификацию сборных и играйте весь турнир в реальной сетке — от группового этапа до московского финала.
  • Собственный турнир FIFA World Cup — Вы можете переписать историю и создать собственную версию Чемпионата, играя за любую страну из FIFA 18. Выбирайте любую лицензированную команду из FIFA 18 — США, Италию, Нидерланды, Чили или любую другую — и воплощайте ваши мечты о FIFA World Cup, создав собственную турнирную сетку.
  • Быстрый матч FIFA World Cup — Играйте матч без подключения к сети в одиночку или с друзьями. Выбирайте команды, игроков, формы, а также реалистичную атмосферу различных стадионов FIFA World Cup
  • FIFA World Cup Ultimate Team — Играйте в самом популярном режиме FIFA теперь и в обновленной версии FIFA World Cup Ultimate Team. Создайте сборную своей мечты с помощью предметов игроков всех 32 стран-участниц, а также легендарных КУМИРОВ FIFA World Cup

A new leak from the Xbox Store confirms the FIFA 18 demo is coming and the exact FIFA 18 release date. This is what you need to know about the demo, the current closed FIFA 18 beta and the other way you can expect to .

EA confirmed a closed FIFA 18 beta that is in progress currently, but most of us cannot play this and are left waiting for the FIFA 18 demo that we expect in the beginning of September. We continue to hear gamers ask, “Will there be a FIFA 18 demo?” While we don’t have official confirmation yet, it is a game that EA still delivers a demo for each year and there is a listing on the Xbox Store.

The FIFA 18 release date is September 29th, but if you get the Ronaldo Edition the FIFA 18 release date is September 26th. If you have EA Access or Origin Access the is September 21st. That’s a lot of different dates to play FIFA 18 on, but there’s even more.

There is a FIFA 18 beta lasted through August 20th, but you needed a special invite that you would have already received if you were going to be a part of this. Next up is the FIFA 18 demo.

FIFA 18 Demo Release Date

The FIFA 18 demo release date is September 15th. There is no confirmation yet directly from EA, but for the last several years we’ve seen a FIFA demo about two weeks before the release date and now it is showing up on the Xbox One store. Expect EA to confirm a FIFA 18 demo soon, but you can see the listing below showing September 15th as the release date.

The FIFA 18 demo release time may not be confirmed ahead of the release. Typically this arrives in a tweet just a day or so before the FIFA demo arrives. Expect a FIFA 18 demo on Xbox One, PS4 and PC .

FIFA 18 Game Modes

EA never includes the full version of the game in a FIFA 18 demo, that’s what EA Access and Origin Access are for. Instead you can expect at least the following options to play;

  • Kick Off – Dive into a pre-set match between two teams in a highlight stadium
  • FIFA 18 Trainer – Test your skills in the Skills Trainer and learn
  • FIFA 18 Journey – Last year we got to try the Journey, so we hope to see this one more time

No FIFA 18 demo progress will carry over, but it will give you an idea of how the new FIFA 18 features stack up and let you try out The Journey if you haven’t already played it.

FIFA 18 Demo Teams

EA typically includes 12 teams for early access, so we expect to see the same number of FIFA 18 teams. The teams change from year to year. That said, we expect to see Real Madrid C.F. which is the team Ronaldo plays for. When EA announces the FIFA 18 demo, expect to see a at least 11 more teams confirmed for the demo.

FIFA 17 vs FIFA 16: 7 Reasons You Should Buy FIFA 17

There is now a Story Mode in FIFA 17 called My Journey. You are in charge of a player who is trying to make it in the big leagues. You need to control him on and off the pitch.

Thanks to the Frostbite engine the game can render the field, the manager"s office and your apartment as you try to navigate the complexities of playing on the field and making the right decisions off it.

You are Alex Hunter an up and coming player in the Premier League. You can play on any club in the league, but you cannot create your own player -- you need to control Alex.

The game will change based on your performance on the field and decisions you make off of it. This includes your career and it will influence how other characters react to you.

This mode is not in FIFA 16, and is completely new for 2016 and FIFA 17.

Zu diesem Titel von EA Sports gibt es eine neuere Version. Hol sie dir jetzt und probiere alle neuen Spiel-Features aus. Dank der Power von Frostbite™ und Real Player Motion Technology verwischt EA SPORTS™ FIFA 18 die Trennlinie zwischen der virtuellen und der realen Welt und erweckt die Spieler, die Teams und die Atmosphäre des Fußballs zum Leben. 2018 FIFA WORLD CUP RUSSIA™ Feiere The World"s Game in EA SPORTS FIFA 18 dank neuer Inhalte zum wichtigsten Turnier der Fußballwelt: Dem 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. Der FIFA World Cup™ ist ab 29. Mai als kostenloses* Inhalts-Update für FIFA 18-Besitzer erhältlich. Freu dich auf das größte Turnier der Welt mit Authentizität bei Gameplay, Teams, Stadien und mehr. FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team Erlebe den beliebtesten FIFA 18-Modus jetzt mit einem neuen FIFA World Cup™-Spielerlebnis. Dank eines überarbeiteten Chemiesystems, FIFA World Cup™ ICONS und mit dem realen Turnier verbundener dynamischer Spielerobjekte kannst du in FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team dein ganz persönliches Nationalspieler-Wunschteam aufbauen. FUT ICONS. Ronaldo. Diego Maradona. Pele. Ronaldinho. Hol dir diese Fußballlegenden in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team in deine Mannschaft. Erlebe mit den Stories einzigartige Versionen jedes ICON-Spielers und freu dich auf Spielerwerte, die die Spielstile und Attribute ihrer Karriereabschnitte widerspiegeln. FIFA World Cup™ Ultimate Team präsentiert einige der legendärsten Spieler der Turniergeschichte. NEU IN FIFA ULTIMATE TEAM. Im beliebtesten FIFA-Modus kannst du aus Tausenden von Spielern dein individuelles Ultimate Team zusammenstellen. Entdecke neue Tages-Ziele, hol dir in Squad Battles Wochen-Belohnungen und schau dir im Champions-Channel die Partien der Weltelite an! REAL PLAYER MOTION TECHNOLOGY. FIFA 18 macht den größten Schritt in Sachen Gameplay-Innovation, den es in der Spielereihe jemals gegeben hat. Das Spiel präsentiert Real Player Motion Technology*, ein neues Animationssystem mit neuartigem Reaktionstempo und ungeahnter Spielerpersönlichkeit. Cristiano Ronaldo und seine Superstarkollegen entsprechen nun in ihren Bewegungen und in ihrem Charakter genau ihren echten Vorbildern. THE JOURNEY: HUNTER RETURNS. Nach einer sensationellen Debütsaison in der Premier League ist Alex Hunter weltweit Gesprächsthema Nummer 1. Nun steht er vor seiner zweiten Saison. Und angeblich zeichnet sich bereits ein Wechsel ab. FIFA WORLD CUP™-INHALTE AB 29. MAI ALS DOWNLOAD VERFÜGBAR. INTERNETVERBINDUNG FÜR SPIEL-UPDATES ERFORDERLICH, DARUNTER AUCH DIE FIFA WORLD CUP™-INHALTE. Unterliegt Bedingungen und Beschränkungen. Einzelheiten unter https://www.easports.com/de/fifa/game-and-offer-disclaimers.

For which platforms the FIFA 18 demo will be released?

As usual, the demo should be released for the most popular plaforms:

Playstation 4
XBox One

The FIFA 18 Demo won’t be launched for iOS and Android.

FIFA 18 Demo Release Date

When the demo will be released?

Historically, the demo is released in the first two weeks of September. You can know the demo release date of ten previous years here:

FIFA 18 12/09/2017
FIFA 17 13/09/2016
FIFA 16 08/09/2015
FIFA 15 09/09/2014
FIFA 14 10/09/2013
FIFA 13 11/09/1012
FIFA 12 13/09/2011
FIFA 11 13/09/2010
FIFA 10 10/09/2009
FIFA 09 11/09/2008
FIFA 08 13/09/2007

As you can see, the demo is always released two weeks before the official game’s release date. This year will not be an exception. The FIFA 18 Demo will be released on September 12 , 2017 (Tuesday).

The exact FIFA 18 Demo release date depends of your region and your platform. Here it is the estimated schedule:

13/09/2017 03:00am 🇯🇵 JST (UCT +9)
13/09/2017 02:00am 🇨🇳 CST (UCT +8)
12/09/2017 09:00pm 🇷🇺 MSK (UCT +3)
12/09/2017 08:00pm 🇬🇷 EET (UCT +2)
12/09/2017 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UCT +1)
12/09/2017 07:00pm 🇸🇪 CET (UCT +1)
12/09/2017 07:00pm 🇳🇱 CET (UCT +1)
12/09/2017 07:00pm 🇫🇷 CET (UCT +1)
12/09/2017 06:00pm 🇵🇹 WET (UCT +0)
12/09/2017 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UCT +0)
12/09/2017 02:00pm 🇧🇷 BRST (UCT -4)
12/09/2017 01:00pm 🇺🇸 EST (UCT -5)
12/09/2017 01:00pm 🇨🇦 EST (UCT -5)
12/09/2017 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UCT -8)

20/09/2017 03:00am 🇯🇵 JST (UCT +9)
20/09/2017 02:00am 🇨🇳 CST (UCT +8)
19/09/2017 09:00pm 🇷🇺 MSK (UCT +3)
19/09/2017 08:00pm 🇬🇷 EET (UCT +2)
19/09/2017 07:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UCT +1)
19/09/2017 07:00pm 🇸🇪 CET (UCT +1)
19/09/2017 07:00pm 🇳🇱 CET (UCT +1)
19/09/2017 07:00pm 🇫🇷 CET (UCT +1)
19/09/2017 06:00pm 🇵🇹 WET (UCT +0)
19/09/2017 06:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UCT +0)
19/09/2017 02:00pm 🇧🇷 BRST (UCT -4)
19/09/2017 01:00pm 🇺🇸 EST (UCT -5)
19/09/2017 01:00pm 🇨🇦 EST (UCT -5)
19/09/2017 10:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UCT -8)

Note: The game should become available to be added to the stores at these times. However, it only will be available to you when your store updates.

FIFA 18 Demo Game Modes

Which game modes you will be able to play in the FIFA 18 Demo?

The FIFA 18 demo will be a limited version of the full game. It’s designed to show users what the full game will be like, showing off new features and gameplay improvements. Any progress will not carryover from the demo into the full game.

There are two game modes available on the FIFA 18 Demo: Kick-Off and The Journey. Just like last year, Ultimate Team was not included in the demo. It also has a menu that describes the new features of the game and another one that gives you the chance to buy the full game.

Kick-Off Mode

On Kick-Off mode, you can play a 4 minutes halves “Match Day” alone or against a friend. Take to the pitch with some of the best clubs in the world. There are thirteen teams available to play. It is possible to send the goals scored on the demo to EA Sports Football Club .

Here are the game settings of the kick-off mode:

Match Lenght:
8 minutes (4 minutes each half)

Match Type:
Single player or against a friend

Difficulty Level:
Beginner, Amateur, Semi-Pro, Professional, World Class or Legend

Match Conditions:
Custom (can’t change)

Autumn / Fall (can’t change)

🇦🇷 Monumental de Núñez
🇪🇸 Santiago Bernabéu
🇺🇸 Stubhub Center

Time of the Day:
Day or Night

Rain or Clear

Menu Options:
Play Match, Team Management, Game Settings, Controller Settings and Select Sides

Home or Away (the third kit is not available in the demo)

The Journey II

The FIFA 18 Demo will include a limited version of The Journey II, also known as ‘Hunter Returns’. On The Journey mode, you can control Alex Hunter, inside and outside the pitch, on a journey to make his mark in one of the most popular clubs. It’s a cinematic world informed and influenced by real players, personalities, locations and events that take you places you’ve never been and bring you experiences only available in FIFA 18.

Obviously, this game mode has a few restrictions in the demo, like the club where he plays (probably Real Madrid) or the limited time you can play. Progress will not carry over to the full version of FIFA 18, but should be enough to help you decide if this game mode is for you or not.

FIFA 18 Demo Teams

Is your team included in the FIFA 18 Demo?

As we already said, there are thirteen teams on the FIFA 18 Demo. Let’s see who they are:

🇪🇸 Atlético de Madrid
🇦🇷 Boca Juniors
🇬🇧 Chelsea
🇲🇽 Chivas
🇩🇪 FC Bayern
🇮🇹 Juventus
🇺🇸 LA Galaxy
🇬🇧 Manchester City
🇬🇧 Manchester United
🇫🇷 Paris Saint-Germain
🇪🇸 Real Madrid
🇨🇦 Toronto FC
🇯🇵 Vissel Kobe

We will analyse now in more detail each one of these ten clubs:

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 84 | Midfield: 83 | Defence: 83
League: LaLiga Santander
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Diego Simeone
Most Popular Players: Diego Godín, Antoine Griezmann, Jan Oblak, Filipe Luis, Nicolas Gaitán, Yannick Carrasco, Koke and Kevin Gameiro

⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 75 | Midfield: 75 | Defence: 74
League: Primera División
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Guillermo Barros Schelotto
Most Popular Players: Carlos Tevez, Fernando Gago, Santiago Vergini and Gino Peruzzi

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 85 | Midfield: 85 | Defence: 82
League: Premier League
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Antonio Conte
Most Popular Players: Thibaut Courtois, Eden Hazard, Cesc Fabregas, Willian, David Luiz and N’Golo Kanté

⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 72 | Midfield: 72 | Defence: 72
League: Bancomer MX
Last Season: Champion
Manager: M. Almeyda
Most Popular Players: Jose Juan Vazquez, Isaac Brizuela, Rodolfo Cota and Rodolfo Pizarro

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 88 | Midfield: 86 | Defence: 85
League: Bundesliga
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Carlos Ancelotti
Most Popular Players: Manuel Neuer, Jerome Boateng, Robert Lewandowski, Arturo Vidal, Mats Hummels, David Alaba and Thiago Alcântara

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 86 | Midfield: 84 | Defence: 85
League: Serie A
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Massimiliano Allegri
Most Popular Players: Gonzalo Higuain, Giorgio Chiellini, Gianluigi Buffon, Paulo Dybala, Andrea Barzagli and Dani Alves

⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 73 | Midfield: 72 | Defence: 71
League: Major League Soccer
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Curt Onalfo
Most Popular Players: Steven Gerrard, Robbie Keane, Giovani dos Santos, Romain Alessandrini, Jelle Van Damme, Gyasi Zardes and Jermaines Jones

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 84 | Midfield: 84 | Defence: 82
League: Premier League
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Pep Guardiola
Most Popular Players: Sergio Aguero, Kevin De Bruyne, David Silva, Vincent Kompany, Nicolas Otamendi, Gabriel Jesus and Ederson

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 83 | Midfield: 84 | Defence: 81
League: Premier League
Last Season: Sixth Position
Manager: José Mourinho
Most Popular Players: David De Gea, Paul Pogba, Juan Mata, Antonio Valencia, Anthony Martial, Nemanja Matic, Eric Bailly and Victor Lindelof

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 86 | Midfield: 83 | Defence: 83
League: Ligue 1
Last Season: Second Position
Manager: Unai Emery
Most Popular Players: Thiago Silva, Edinson Cavani, Ángel Di Maria, Neymar, Dani Alves, Blaise Matuidi, Javier Pastore, Julian Draxler and Grzegorz Krychowiak

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 87 | Midfield: 85 | Defence: 86
League: LaLiga Santander
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Zinedine Zidane
Most Popular Players: Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale, Sergio Ramos, Luka Modric, Toni Kroos, Karim Benzema and Marcelo

⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Attacking: 75 | Midfield: 71 | Defence: 69
League: Major League Soccer
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Greg Vanney
Most Popular Players: Sebastian Giovinco, Michael Bradley, Victor Vazquez, Jozy Altidore, Benoit Cheyrou, Dreew Moor and Wil Johnson